■ 期刊論文
1983, ,Searching for a Formula: Negotiations Between Washington and Taipei After Severance of Diplomatic Relations,慶祝朱建民教授七五華誕人文社會科學論文集,國際關係類,頁175-200。
1986,01, as a Nuclear Power: Its Military Policy and Its Role in World Politics, Ph. D. Dissertation,
1986,12,The Political Use of Communist China‘s Nuclear Weapons: Another View of Peking’s Nuclear Strategy, Soochow Journal of Political Sciences and Sociology, No.10, 147-70.
1987, ,The Organizational Structure of the PLA, In Richard H. Yang ed. SCPS Yearbook on PLA Affairs, 27-38,
1988, ,Communist China‘s Civil Military Relations in the Mid-1980s: The Implications of Modernizations, In Yuming Shaw (ed), Changes and Continuities in Chinese Communism, Boulder Colo.: Westview, 211-29.
1989, ,談判,時報出版公司,台北。
1991, ,後冷戰時期東南亞新秩序,收錄於魏萼編,《後冷戰時期之國際新秩序》,頁110-133,台北:亞洲與世界社。
1991, ,談判的權力分析,收錄於祝賀文集編輯委員會編,《冷紹銓先生七秩華誕祝賀文集:國際關係與中共法制》,頁99-136,台北:祝賀文集編輯委員會。
1992, ,孫子兵法的談判模型,孫子探勝-第三屆孫子兵法國際研討會論文精選,頁575-596,北京:軍事科學出版社。
1995, ,九七前後的國際關係新情勢,收錄於蔡政文編「1997臺灣新契機」,台北:財團法人國家發展研究文教基金會,頁1-28。
■ 會議論文
1987,06,PLA and the Fall of Fu Yao-pang, Papers Presented at the conference on Mainland
1987,09,Negotiations Between MNC and the Host Country: The Toota Case, Paper Presented at the Conference on Cross-Cultural Negotiation and Communication, This Paper was Later Published by Fairfield University, See Fairfield Business Review, 10th Anniversary Issue, 1978-1988, 6-18.
1989,12,Taiwan-South Korean Relations: A View From Taipei, Paper presented at the Conference on Economic and Security Affairs in Northeast Asia and Implications for Sino-South Korean Relations, sponsored by The Atlantic Council at Washington, D. C..
1990,05,Taiwan-South Korean Relations: A View from Taipei, Paper presented at the Conference of Economic and Security Affairs in Northeast Asia and Implications for Sino-South Korean Relations, sponsored by the Atlantic council, Washington D. C., May 14-16, 1990.
1991,10,Taipei and the Asia-pacific Region, Paper presented at the Conference on “Taiwan‘s Evolving Role in the Asia-pacific Region: The Impact of Globalization and Regionization”, held in Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, in Medford Massachusetts, October 18-20, 1991.
1993,06,China and Taiwan in Southeast Asia, Paper presented at the Conference on Sino-American Relations at a Time of Change, sponsored by Institute of International Relations(ROC) and CSIS(USA), June 20-22, 1993, Washington D.C..
1998,03,Chinese Negotiating Behavior-A comparison between the Western Perspective and the Perspective and the Chinese Perspective, paper presented at The International Symposium on Political Negotiations Between Taiwan and Mainland China, sponsored by Graduate Institute of San Min Chu I, National Taiwan University, March 21-22, 1998.
■ 專書
2003,02,「兩岸關係中的協商機制」,收錄於石之瑜編,家國之間 – 開展兩岸關係的能動機緣,頁一九一–二○二。台北:新台灣人文教基金會。